911 Call at Mark's House Brings Cops with Big Guns...Also, Superstar Dietician, Julieanna Hever
The Edge with Mark Thompson - A podcast by The Edge Show

In this episode: The cops come to Mark's house in force...Michael Shure talks campaign politics and superstar plant dietician Julieanna Hever joins Mark. Julieanna's latest book, The Healthspan Solution--How and What to Eat to Add Years To Your Life is a mix of science, recipes and beautiful photos of delicious food! She's written the book with scientist and gourmet chef, Ray Cronise. Julieanna's Books are available at Julieanna's website First, Mark talks with political correspondent, Michael Shure, who is on the road with the Presidential candidates. The two talk about the flaws in the caucus system and Bernie's chances (along with Elizabeth Warren and the progressive left) moving forward Plus, they visit a bizarre and magical hockey moment. Then, Mark welcomes in J. Elvis Weinstein. Mark tells the story of an intruder at his home and cops showing up with a massive show of force and the arrest that follows. To reach the show: [email protected] 00-1:00 Mark welcome 1:30-17:15 Michael Shure on Politics 17:50-46:55 J Elvis Weinstein joins for Mark's "cop story" 46:55-1:19:40 Superstar Dietician, Julieanna Hever