The Doctor/ Inventor Who Saved Cyclists' Erections Encounters a Psychic Healer...Also, Mark Harris on Director Mike Nichols
The Edge with Mark Thompson - A podcast by The Edge Show

So much here on this packed episode... Author Mark Harris has just completed a fascinating biography about Director, Mike Nichols. MIKE NICHOLS: A LIFE Harris joins Mark Thompson to discuss... Mike Nichols, an immigrant, with a troubled childhood, emerges as a key figure in entertainment, Mike Nichols story is a remarkable one. Then, J Elvis Weinstein joins Mark for a conversation about a lot of things: Don McLean the singer and his girlfriend and also a word about Mark's radio producer, Albert, who has also joined. Mark tells a story about his failed Comedy Central pilot script and how success in show business has to bring many things together. Finally, our featured guest is Dr. Roger Minkow. Roger is an inventor who revolutionized the bicycle seat for millions of men suffering from erectile dysfunction. His seats literally changed that world. Roger is also the mind behind airline seat redesign that's been installed in cockpits around the world. Roger Minkow has arrived to the show on this episode with a story of cancer and a virtual healer who is delivered to his life in a bizarre and chance fashion. Check it out and tell us what you think. [email protected] 00-2:11 Mark says hello 2:11-13:28 Mark Harris on Mike Nichols 13:28-39:15 J Elvis joins Mark and they welcome Albert 39:15-1:23:00. Dr Roger Minkow