85. The Why and How of Starting a Teacher Podcast

The EDVERYTHING Podcast: For Everything Education - A podcast by Nicole Clark&Danielle Johnson


Though going into the field of education was the single biggest career choice that we’ve made, starting our podcast 3 years ago has become a very close second. Starting a teacher podcast was a literal game changer for us. Without it, we would still be dreaming of one day becoming teacherpreneurs. As proud teacher side hustlers, we know that there are plenty of decisions that need to be made at any given point, but we can also say from experience that choosing the right platform for releasing your regular content is one that can really make all the difference. Podcasting has truly been the catalyst for so much of our success—and we want to give you the motivation and the inside scoop to help you make podcast a part of your content strategy as well. In this episode, we talk about why we started a teacher podcast to begin with, but we go on to list a number of other reasons why podcasting might be a good fit for you as well. Whether to further your career aspirations outside of the classroom or to document your experience to track your own personal growth, we consider a number of reasons beyond promoting items from your TpT store that might make podcasting the right path for you. Once you’ve determined that podcasting makes sense for you, we make sure that you’ve thought through what you’ll podcast about. But we won’t leave you with tons of ideas and no way to implement. In the second half of the episode, we deep dive into what you need (and what you don’t) to start recording right away. After breaking down some myths and misconceptions that might be holding you back from pressing recording or releasing your first episode, we take you through the entire process, from recording software to distribution platforms, so you’ll find your way into earbuds in no time. In this episode you’ll hear -Why podcasting is a great platform when you are just starting out -What equipment you need (and what you don’t need to spend money on) when first starting a podcast -What software we use to record and distribute our own podcast (spoiler alert: its free)