Episode 75: Going the Distance: Successful Strategies for Remote Learning from Virtual Elementary’s Cara Piper

The EDVERYTHING Podcast: For Everything Education - A podcast by Nicole Clark&Danielle Johnson


In the midst of the coronavirus, as so many schools have begun online instruction, it seems like we all became virtual teachers overnight, figuring out how to translate our lessons to the online space. And while we are all still adjusting to our new normal, now more than ever it is great to get advice from someone who is a pro at this, literally, as online instruction is the way she delivers all her lessons. Cara Piper is a traditional classroom teacher turned online kindergarten teacher for Florida Virtual School. Whether you love online teaching and want to figure out how to make the transition to virtual education even when buildings reopen or you need tips for how to cultivate community even when students are physically attending class from separate spaces, Cara offers valuable insight whether you want to make the virtual classroom your permanent home or how to to make the most of this experience for your students for the time being. In this episode, you’ll hear: -what a typical day in the life of a virtual elementary school teacher looks like (at an institution that has open enrollment) -what the job application and interview process to be a virtual teacher looked like -how parent partnership and communication is key (and why we should be thinking of them as the home educator) -how to make the students in your classroom feel like they know you (and each other) when they may never meet you in person -how to motivate your students on your Zoom calls (or in whatever video platform you are using)