Episode 78: 5 ways to make your virtual classroom feel like home—for you and your students

The EDVERYTHING Podcast: For Everything Education - A podcast by Nicole Clark&Danielle Johnson


As the new normal of working from home actually begins to feel a bit more normal, it may be time to make our digital classrooms feel a little bit more like the home away from home our physical classrooms have always been. So many teachers pride themselves on making their classrooms a comfortable, welcoming space, full of personality, and inspiration. But can we say the same for our virtual classrooms? Though this may have been overlooked when the sudden transition to remote learning occurred, now that it seems likely that many schools will be settling into distance learning for an extended time, potentially even ending the year in this way, we can turn our attention to the small ways that we can make our online classrooms replicate the physical ones we left behind. Whether these customizations help you infuse a bit of your personality as a reminder to your students that you truly are there on the other side of the screen, instill a little humor or positivity to help brighten a tough time, or create motivation when it could be lacking, this effort helps make the continuation of learning feel like a true extension of the classroom you and your students have developed all year. In this episode, you’ll hear: -Reasons why customization of your classroom benefits you, your students— and your side hustle -How bitmojis can help you make your classroom feel more personal even without sharing an actual image of yourself -Ways beyond the visual to make your classroom feel like your space Links mentioned: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Sellers-Im-Following/Add/Edverything-For-Everything-Education @helloteacherlady Ep. 75: Going the Distance with @VirtualElementaryTeachers https://anchor.fm/edverything/episodes/Episode-75-Going-the-Distance-Successful-Strategies-for-Remote-Learning-from-Virtual-Elementarys-Cara-Piper-ec9037 Ep. 63 Wonderful, Wonder-filled Classrooms with @BuildingBookLove https://anchor.fm/edverything/episodes/Episode-63-Wonderful--Wonder-filled-Classrooms-for-Any-Age-Group-with-Ashley-Bible-e9kcgn Ep 67: Personally Speaking  https://anchor.fm/edverything/episodes/Episode-67-Personally-Speaking-Showcasing-Your-Personality-In-and-Out-of-the-Classroom-eahbtp