Lindsey Kelk: Podcasting, Writing and Sex and the City fantasies.

The Emma Guns Show - A podcast by Emma Gunavardhana


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I Heart Forever on Kindle, £3.99.

Lindsey Kelk (@lindseykelk) joins me on this episode of the podcast to talk about her I Heart... series, her podcast Full Coverage and her 'creative process'. We holed ourselves away in the Bobbi Brown Pro store in Soho to chat about how this Doncaster born-and-bred girl found herself living in LA, how she got her first book published and how that first book has turned into a 13, and counting, series. 

We chat about finding your best girlfriends, pushing outside your comfort zone, how her 'what might have been' motivated her to move to New York and why it shouldn't be weird to talk about your creative process. There's a lot of talk about awkward teenage years and always knowing there was something bigger out there in the world and finding yourself and your tribe. 

Lindsey and I met on twitter (@lindseykelk) where you can often find us wanging on about wrestling, beauty products and other important issues. 

To view Mark Kermode reviewing Entourage, which I strongly recommend you do, click this link >> ENTOU-RAGE.

Off Camera with Sam Jones on YouTube.

Lindsey mentioned her colourist, Naomi Knights, and you can find her here >> NAOMI KNIGHTS.

If you enjoyed this conversation please do head over to iTunes and leave me a 5-star rating and review.

also in this episode

Dr Dennis Gross Spectralite is coming to the UK soon. The superhero style mask emits amber, red, deep red and infrared wavelengths that gently stimulate collagen production, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in just a few minutes every day for several weeks. 

I've developed a mild, scrap that, absolutely ridiculous obsession with Missoma jewellery. I saw some viewers asking Sam Chapman where her necklaces were from on an instagram live and she mentioned the brand so I found myself on their site having a mini-conniption about their earrings. If you're a regular listener you'll know I had three new piercings a few months ago and have been looking for hoops and studs that don't break the bank. Reader, I think I've found them. I'm crushing quite hard on the turquoise drop hoops and am incredibly keen to build up a wardrobe of the shield necklaces, oh, and the fang necklace. See, it's a problem. Take a look if you like gorgeous jewellery...


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