Marisa Peer: Hardwiring, Change and Being Enough.

The Emma Guns Show - A podcast by Emma Gunavardhana


Marisa Peer (@marisapeer/@marisapeertherapy) is a motivational speaker, celebrity therapist, behavioural expert and pioneering hypnotherapist trainer who invited me to her London home to record this episode of the show.

She is listed in the Tatler Guide of Britain's Best Doctors, was named Best British Therapist by Men's Health and counts celebrities, Olympians, CEOs and Royalty among her clients. 

In researching Marisa I spent hours on YouTube watching her talks and the main take-away, for me, was that how you are today isn't how you have to be tomorrow. If you catch yourself saying things such as, 'I always do ____' and feel helpless to not do ____ again, then Marisa's methodology is well worth exploring. 

We all have patterns, but in this conversation Marisa explains the simplicity with which you can free yourself, especially if you feel a certain behavioural pattern - such as emotional eating - is holding you back or not allowing you to live the life you want to.

At the core of her messaging is this idea of being 'enough'. Indeed she has 'I AM ENOUGH' written in lipstick on all the mirrors in her home and has given many talks (I've listed some you can find on YouTube below) where she outlines how not feeling enough can be at the core of the issues we all face. 

I feel very privileged to have been able to spend time one-on-one with Marisa and meeting her had a very positive effect on me, as I hope this podcast does on you. 

Marisa now teachers The Marisa Peer Method, where you can learn to do what she does. If you want to find out more you can email [email protected] quoting 'The Emma G Show'.

Marisa's talks can be found on YouTube, here are some stand-outs:

The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity - A-FEST

3 Ways To Be Unf*ckablewith - Mindvalley Academy

Marisa's YOUTUBE channel.

How To Avoid Rejection and Get Connection - TEDx Talks

Marisa's books are available in book stores on Amazon here- Marisa Peer on Amazon

Ultimate Confidence: The Secrets to Feeling Great About Yourself.

Trying to Get Pregnant (and succeeding).

You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting... Forever.