256: American Legion pt. 2 - "Pretty Fashy..."
The Empire Never Ended - A podcast by The Empire Never Ended

Fritz brings his study into the fascistic history of the American Legion to a temporary close with a look at their colorful interwar career, including involvement in a couple of whacky coup plots! Recommended Reading: The Inside Story of the Legion by Justin Gray (1948). American Legion as Educator by William Gellerman (1938). Enforcing Conformity: Race in the American Legion, 1940-1960 - Olivier Burtin (2018). Music: "In Honor", "Elevator Ride", "Evil Rising", and "We Fought for Freedom" by fesliyanstudios.com All others from various copyright-free sources on archive.org Subscribe to patreon.org/tenepod and twitter.com/tenepod.