294: Roger Pearson pt. 2 - Race Science and Reaganism

The Empire Never Ended - A podcast by The Empire Never Ended

TENE pod concludes their biographical look into eugenicist Roger Pearson, focusing on his vast influence in the New Right of the '70s and '80s through his work in mainstream fashy organizations like the Heritage Foundation and the World Anti-Communist League. reading: Kevin Coogan, "Jackboots & Sporrans". 1984. Scott Anderson and John Lee Anderson, Inside the League. 1986. Michael Billig. Psychology, Racism & Fascism. 1979. Russ Bellant. Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party. 1991. Russ Bellant. The Coors Connection. 1988. Stefan Kuhl. The Nazi Connection. 1994. Closing music: Furioso; or, The Wilderness of Mirrors by The Knolls. soundcloud.com/knollsnyc Interlude music: Mankind? "Won't You Join The Army Now So You Can Fight... And You Can Die!" Other Music: David Fesliyan "Airlock", "In Honor", and "Elevator Ride" davidfesliyan.com Subscribe to patreon.org/tenepod and twitter.com/tenepod.