70: ANP Shit Show (teaser)

The Empire Never Ended - A podcast by The Empire Never Ended

Rey gets Boris and Fritz to watch four... documentaries?... about the American Nazi Party approved by none other than the National Socialist Order, three of which are directed and narrated by somehow-still-living joke, James Mason. Jimbo's fawning take on George Lincoln Rockwell's disastrous gubernatorial campaign and his unintentionally hilarious supercut of "lost footage" are bad enough, yet pale next to his epic film-length slide show of Rockwell's life and career. Alongside this powerful collective opus of editorial prowess is a professionally made propaganda piece that feels like some Neo-Nazi version of The Office. Also, Rey introduces Rick Cooper to our collection of Nazi weirdos along with his very special tastes. This is The Empire Never Ended, the Antifascist Amerikanski-Balkan podcast about (neo) fascist terror, the (deep) state and the alienation, nihilism and desperation produced by the capitalist system. And how to get rid of all that. Something like that... Subscribe to our Patreon for weekly premium episodes! And check out our social media for updates and whatnot: Twitter + Facebook + Instagram + YouTube