Ep. 22: 8 signs you're not living in alignment with your astrological chart - and how to fix it

The Empowered Modern Witches Show - A podcast by Tenae Stewart

Happy 2021! We are diving back in with a big, juicy episode to help you explore your chart and get realigned with your truth in the new year.  Here are 8 signs you're not living in alignment with your astrological chart - which is literally a map of the stars at the moment you were born and metaphorically a map to your higher self and purpose - and how to fix it:  You struggle to find your joy. Solution? Look to your sun sign and house.  You feel pressured to express (or repress) your emotions in a way that feels unnatural. Solution? Look to your moon sign and house.  You feel like you're on an emotional rollercoaster all the time. Solution? Track the moon signs and which houses they activate in your chart each month.  Changes are whirling at you and you never see them coming. Solution? Pay attention to the big transits, especially of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto and the North Node.  Your life feels aimless, you can't seem to find your purpose and you're just lost. Solution? Look to your North Node sign and house.  You know you're drawn to witchcraft but struggle to know what path or practices are right for you. Solution? Check out what sign is in your 8th house but also your sun sign and house - remember, find the joy.  The moon phases seem "off" for you, like you're energized when you're "supposed" to be drained or vice versa. Solution? Check out your natal moon phase. You're dealing with burn out, overwhelm, and feel unnourished. Solution? Check out what sign you have in the 4th house, as well as your moon sign and house. Get your chart for free at www.witchoflupinehollow.com/create-your-birth-chart. I recommend clicking View full chart, then Settings, and select Whole Signs (oldest) from the dropdown menu! Which of these resonate most? Come and join us in our free Facebook group, Empowered Modern Witches, and share what comes up for you! You can also sign up for our Simple Magick Letters, straight to your inbox, at www.witchoflupinehollow.com.  --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/empowered-modern-witches/support