Anna Mikulska: An Introduction To Energy & Climate Policy
The Energy Talk - A podcast by Olubunmi Olajide

Anna Mikulska, Ph.D., is a nonresident fellow for the Center for Energy Studies at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy. She is also a fellow and lecturer at the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. Anna is joining us today on the podcast to give a crash course on energy policy and the important role it plays in the energy transition. Throughout our conversation, we will be exploring several aspects of energy policy with a focus on developed countries and the different approaches used to provide stable and affordable energy for their citizens. I hope this episode is accessible to everyone, even if this is your first time learning about energy policy - or if this is the 1000th time - there's something in this conversation for everyone. _ Find out more about Anna and find all her articles and publications here: Connect with Anna via LinkedIn and Twitter: @anna_b_mikulska. You can get in touch with us via email: [email protected] and don't forget to check us out on Twitter and Instagram! _ Special thanks to Jensen for providing the music used in this episode, you can find out more about his work here or with the link below.