TECC 87: Reinventing Yourself So You Can Stand Out in Your Engineering Career

The Engineering Career Coach Podcast - A podcast by Anthony Fasano, PE and Jeff Perry, MBA - Tuesdays


In this episode, Dorie Clark (@dorieclark), marketing strategy consultant, professional speaker, and frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review shares some strategies on how you can reinvent yourself by rebranding, and her thoughts on having mentors for mid to senior engineers and mastermind groups as part of your reinvention journey. Reinventing Yourself So You Can Stand Out in Your Engineering Career! Key points in this episode include: The job that you are hired for today is not going to be the same job that you’re going to be asked to do in two years. Unless you communicate your reinvention to other people, they are going to keep thinking of you in that same way as when they first formed opinion about you. Take control of your professional reputation so people can see what you can contribute now and not five years in the past. Keep up with a regular regimen of pushing yourself to learn and grow and experience new things. Start to build your network early on. Success is up to you and not up to your boss. Have a mentor board of directors – a group of people you can turn to for advice and insights. Mastermind groups are a very powerful tool. It can be formal or informal groups or even online communities that are like an on demand support you need. Knowing who we consciously want or choose to spend more time with, that is a very powerful decision that can alter who we are and who we become. And many more… TECC Ep 87 Download Enter your name and e-mail to download 8 Action Steps To a Total Engineering Career Reinvention Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. First Name Email Address Download Powered by ConvertKit /* Layout */ .ck_form { /* divider image */ background: #fff url(...