Let’s Read Crown of Starlight! Cait Corrain Controversy | Booktok Book Deep Dive and Analysis

The English Club Podcast - A podcast by The University of Saint Balasar English Club


YOU WON’T GET THIS ANYWHERE ELSE. Controversial book deep dives & analysis, booktok fights, review bombing, and the wildest book drama to come out of Twitter—all right here at the SBU English Club. Our club members face their greatest challenge yet: Cait Corrain’s Crown of Starlight! Cait had everything—a two-book traditional publishing deal, rave reviews from literary critics, and a successful ARC distribution. And then she made it go up in flames. But what about the book itself? What was it about? Would this have been the next Fourth Wing, had she not reviewbombed everyone who would’ve supported her? What are the ethics of reading a discontinued book with such a bad reputation, and what responsibilities do we have to each other as readers, writers, and Internet users? Also in this episode: Cait Corrain drama explained! You’ve heard the story before, you’ve seen the fake Discord chat, but do we—can we—know the full story, and trust the people telling it to us? Join us as we put laser focus on facts that others have glossed over—facts that can NEVER exonerate Cait Corrain, but CAN illustrate the risk that there may be some of them in all of us. Please support Cait Corrain’s victims: https://www.asakkalon.com/2024-debut-books-to-support-thanks-cait-corrain/