Let's Read Rin Tongue and Dorner: Empress Theresa's Evil Twin

The English Club Podcast - A podcast by The University of Saint Balasar English Club


SEASON 1 FINALE! I've never seen a (normal-seeming) book with such a low goodreads score. But does Rin, Tongue and Dorner actually deserve the negativity? Find out as we face the final boss of English Club Podcast, Season 1! ABOUT THE BOOK: Take a delirious hyper-metaphorical ride with a love triangle into a fiery cosmos. Shapero’s outer space uncannily mirrors inner space, daring us to ditch our expectations and probe the depths of human desire. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40937423-rin-tongue-and-dorner ABOUT US: Hee naur naur hee naur naur hee https://twitter.com/sbu_englishclub https://www.instagram.com/englishclubpodcast/ [email protected]