The Five Cornerstones of Attention

The Eros Sutras, Volume 3: Orgasmic Meditation - A podcast by Soulmaker Press

In this episode, we dive into the Five Cornerstones of Attention: Approval, Intuition, Intimacy, Power, and Optionality. These cornerstones are the keys to unlocking our ability to fully engage with life and its infinite play. We explore how Approval allows us to embrace life in its entirety while Intuition guides us toward truth. We discuss the role of Intimacy in fostering a deep connection with our surroundings and how Power enables us to influence our environment through our mere presence. Lastly, we touch on Optionality, the consciousness that opens us to limitless possibilities. Join us as we journey through these cornerstones, learning how to cultivate dynamic attention that operates at all levels of intensity and subtlety, ultimately leading us to a state of consciousness where possibilities become numberless. Tune in and discover how to harness these cornerstones to engage in the infinite play of life