606 Babylon’s Ashes – Part 1 – The Expanse Podcast – Tales From The Rocinante
The Expanse Podcast - Tales From The Rocinante - A podcast by Solo Talk Media

This episode Timestamps [11:30] Episode Recaps[25:30] Feedback Babylon’s Ashes Here is the full discussion episode about The Expanse season 6 episode 6 titled Babylon’s Ashes. Episode Recap The episode opens on Laconia with the strange ship in the sky blinking protomolecule blue lights, as Admiral Duarte watches from below with great intensity. Elsewhere, Cara returns to her worried parents, but she brings a surprise – her no longer dead brother, Xan. As the almost zombie like Xan approaches them, her parents realize the danger and Cara pretends to run out of their home. She has tricked them, and leads her brother into the forest, where we see her through Xan’s eyes, glowing with the blue protomolecule particles dancing around her. On the Zenobia, Avasarala, UNN and MCRN representatives, Drummer, Holden and Bobbie review options to stop Inaros before he gets to the Ring and Medina Station. The Free Navy and Alliance fleets are evenly matched, and the UNN, MCRN, and friendly Belter assets will each pursue one of the three Free Navy groups. The Roci crew has a Plan B. They will rendezvous with the Giambattista and join an assault team. If they can take out Medina Station’s targeting and comm arrays, they can […]