Strange Dogs Double Take S6E1 – The Expanse Podcast
The Expanse Podcast - Tales From The Rocinante - A podcast by Solo Talk Media

Today’s podcast is brought to you by Audible – get a FREE audiobook download and 30-day free trial at Over 400,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player. Leviathan Wakes amongst them. Send me your feedback at 1-805-910-7656 or [email protected] The deadline to submit your feedback is Monday, 9 AM Eastern time. Welcome to The Expanse Podcast Double Take. In this episode, I give you my first impressions right after seeing the season 6 premiere titled “Strange Dogs.” I’m creating these short posts to encourage listener feedback by asking questions about the episode. This week’s questions are… 1) Do you think Yoan is dead? What do you think is going to happen next with Filip? 2) What will it take to reunite the Roci crew? 3) What do you think Avasarala’s has in mind? One Ship Question Ep 1 Ankawala: What do Drummer’s actions at the end mean? I’d like to thank everyone who has subscribed to this podcast and encourage you to join the discussion by sending in your feedback by calling +1-805-910-7656 or by e-mailing me at [email protected] or visiting the website at If you are enjoying this podcast please consider leaving me a review on Apple Podcasts. You […]