NIGHTBIRDS: Let's Talk Spoilers
The Exploress - A podcast by Kate J. Armstrong, Carly A. Quinn

It’s FYREBIRDS month on The Exploress! To celebrate the release of my second novel, and the conclusion of the NIGHTBIRDS series, I’m sharing an episode of my other podcast, Pub Dates, where I’ve been taking listeners behind the scenes on this series’ creation. In this episode, I’m going to answer reader’s burning questions about NIGHTBIRDS. Warning: there will be spoilers in here, so save this one for later if you haven’t read the book yet. My second novel, FYREBIRDS, is hitting shelves on August 27th, and it would mean a huge amount if you’d pick up a copy. If you do, I’ll send you some very special prizes, including a signed bookplate and some NIGHTBIRDS-inspired art. You can claim them right here, or go to my author website to find out more. If you'd like a recap of NIGHTBIRDS before the sequel arrives, go and listen to my four-part recap series over on Pub Dates. Did you like this episode? Hop on over to PUB DATES, where bestselling author Amie Kaufman and I have been taking readers behind the scenes on the publication of our novels. If you like those old-school DVD extras and "making of" videos, this one's for you. This show wouldn’t be possible without the support of all my patrons. Have you ever thought about becoming one? Patrons get all episodes early and ad-free, voting rights on content, behind the scenes stuff, AND up to two exclusive bonus episodes a month. You can now try out being a patron with a 7-day free trial! Go to my website to find out more.