#210 A Message (with a Strategy) for Swamped, Overwhelmed Moms (and Dads)

The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast - A podcast by Greg & Rachel Denning


We truly love receiving emails and questions from followers, clients, and listeners because it gives us specific situations and challenges to address. We’ve learned that even though we (as humans) often feel that we’re the ‘only one’ dealing with a problem or circumstance, the truth is, we’ve discovered, if it’s happening to one person it’s likely happening to hundreds of others as well. That’s why we answer these questions in a podcast episode so that it doesn’t just help the person who asked, but the hundreds of others who did not ask who are facing similar circumstances. Today’s question is very relevant to young mothers and fathers especially. I remember feeling this way when I had four children under the age of four, and five children under the age of eight. But let me share her words: Where I am: I feel swamped with homeschooling 5 kids age 10 and under (one with severe special needs), have a scarcity mindset about my time like I’ll never have enough time to do everything, and I’m too stressed keeping the home running to connect with my awesome kids regularly.  I don’t always appreciate my spouse for his efforts, and I snap when he shows the least impatience or force with the children. I want to have even more kids but feel I don’t have the capacity.  So I’m taking a year off by using birth control which we didn’t really want to do, but I didn’t have the discipline to follow through with NFP last time we got pregnant so this is my way to try to get healthy.  Want to get my body and brain both healthy. I don’t get to play my music enough which usually inspires me. I want to mentor my kids, but I parent with commands and emotions. I want to honor and follow God, but I find myself demonstrating before my kids how I don’t trust he will take care of my feelings and their behaviors when I snap due to kids not obeying. Thinking about putting this program (Family Charts & Systems) in my budget soon and signing up: I have a parenting program from a religious source which isn’t really the influence I want in our home (we’re another sect), but I needed tools to help me be consistent so husband and I went for it anyway.  It’s maybe helping but not producing enough softness and grace in me and my husband  for my taste Where I want to go: joy, music, beautiful feelings in the home, smoothness even when a small child is in tantrum mode, trust spouse’s methods with the kids, kids do their school because they want to rather than because I made them. There is so much here for all of us to relate to. And the vision of where you want to go is NOT a pipe dream. It IS possible to achieve with the right tools and strategies.  So let’s dive into the principles and practices that work for turning this situation around. Listen to this episode now to learn how. ---- As a mompreneur and homeschooling, world-traveling mother of seven children, SYSTEMS have played a HUGE role in keeping me sane... and in helping me be more peacefully productive and present. If you would like some help bringing order to your family chaos with systems and charts, then make sure to pick up my Family Charts & Systems program which includes training videos and done-for-you editable and printable charts and systems. Your future self with thank you. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/extraordinary-family-life/message