TFB 015: How a college fitness startup conquered campus USA

The Famous Business - A podcast by Class:PR


Russell Saks, Founder of Campus Protein, tells us how living the lifestyle of his customers helped them conquer the campus supplement market.Campus Protein are in the business of helping college students access high quality supplements, protein and stacks so they can tone up and get ripped – much like your podcast host (yeah right! – Ed)Russell explains how he took a college business and turned it into a US-wide enterprise and the role PR played in helping his sporty followers trust a new brand muscling in on the healthcare sector where reliability is everything.In this episode you’re going to learn how to build word of mouth loyalty in your brand and how you can use that to scale a business fast.If you’re in the health and wellness sector then tune in because you’re going to get some great advice and strategies for making growth happen on your terms.There’s not many of us who leave college with a winning business, but that’s exactly what Russell did. It must have been all that exercise!