Episode 52 Pure Air & Surfaces, Bye VIRUS, Bacteria, Mold... (The Fasting Podcast WOW (Wellness & Optimal Weight))

The Fasting Podcast; WOW (Wellness & Optimal Weight) - A podcast by Julie Phillips, CNHP

Episode 52 gives a quick update on the VIRUS Alert from episode 50 then explains how sneezing can put a virus or bacteria into the air, but they quickly colonize on surfaces. Learn about the only technology that provides up to 99% of virus, bacteria, contaminents in the air but also on the surfaces. Julie has been using this for several years and she has 2 experts guest speaking on the call. Without any filters to change, there is a single cell replacement every 2-3 years. By accessing Julie's slides/notes for this episode on www.JPWOWPrograms.com, one can learn how to save substantially by accessing the units at wholesale from the same company that provides our WOW digestive/gut blend we are so fond of.  For questions or feedback, email [email protected]