Feel Your Soul Episode 4: Alex Morrissey

The Feel Your Soul Show - A podcast by Jacob Zander


Hello friends and welcome to The Feel Your Soul Show. On todays episode I talk to Alex Morrissey who is a motivational speaker who helps people develop into their highest potentials. Alex is incredibly passionate about about creating experiences where others learn and grow at the highest level possible. He wants them to feel empowered to step into their biggest dreams and purpose, and then give their dream back by using it to serve and love those around them. Alex's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexanderjmorrissey/ Listener Feel Your Soul Portion:  Today we have artist Adrian Salvador who is creating a new TV series with similar vibes to Gossip girl meets Euphoria. Check him out below! Adrian's website: https://adriansalvador.com Adrian's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhattan/ Feel Your Soul listener portion apply link: https://footsouls.com/pages/the-feel-your-soul-show