Ep. 78: Journal Your Way to More Abundance

The Feminine Millionaire Show - A podcast by Polly Alexandre


When I discovered Julia Cameron, author of The Artists Way, speaking at the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival in London, I was entranced. I immediately bought myself a copy of her book and for an entire year I religiously sat down each morning and wrote 3 pages of stream of consciousness writing. Out came a bunch of rubbish, rants, complaints, random musings….and then eventually by the last page, gold would emerge: clarity, a-ha moments and answers. Journaling became a powerful source of daily support in my life, providing me with a space to get out my fears, my feelings and my worries and frustrations, and to process through things. Now journaling is an essential tool in my life & work, and all my best ideas started in my journal. Today I share some of the journaling practices I do to manifest more abundance into my life and business. NEW! Join my LIVE Accelerate Your Abundance Challenge starting September 26th. Registration is just $33. Learn more here: https://training.pollyalexandre.com/accelerate/ Get Social with Polly on Instagram: @polly_alexandre