Ep. 80: The Creative Life - from Bollywood to Book Writing with Mireille Parker

The Feminine Millionaire Show - A podcast by Polly Alexandre


Mireille Parker is an Indian Australian author from Fremantle, West Australia, who has devoted herself to writing for the past 15 years. Mireille was an English as a Second Language teacher for 18 years and a life coach for two, but quit both due to metastatic breast cancer and brain surgery. I think you will love today’s interview; if there’s a book inside you waiting to come out, it’s packed full of advice for actually getting on & writing it. If you are a lover of the process of manifestation, you will get to hear some amazing stories, and feel inspired to co-create with the Universe. And if your creative juices need re-awakening this is also the episode for you. Mireille’s passions are many: she’s a writer, a wonderer, an art maker, coffee lover and a personal development & manifestation expert. She has also been a hip hop dancer in New York and a Bollywood dancer in Switzerland. Writing, however is the greatest love of her life. To learn more about Mireille: Sign up for Mireille's newsletter here: http://www.mireilleparker.com Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mireilleparker_xx/ To find out more about Polly's Manifesting Joy & Abundance Programme:  https://www.pollyalexandre.com/manifest-joy-and-abundance