7 Steps To Surviving Infertility
The Fertility Warriors - A podcast by Robyn Birkin
Here I am STILL smiling.... I DID NOT see that coming! When I turned 30, I felt the biological clock ticking and thought making babies would be a walk in the park.... until it wasn't. Fast forward five years and I've had: - 1 tracking cycle - 2 ovulation inductions - 2 IUI - 2 egg retrievals - 1 fresh IVF cycle - 2 FET's - 1 moderate OHSS - A miscarriage - 1 fresh ICSI cycle ... and this year, I had a hysterectomy. Yup, what the what. And I'm genuinely happy. But it wasn't always that way, and in fact, when I had my miscarriage, I was pretty much at rock bottom, up to my ears in fertility diet advice, crashing every time a friend said the wrong thing and it seemed like EVERYONE around me was falling pregnant. I had all the overwhelm. Sadness. Hopelessness.... and pretty much running around like a headless chook with no idea how to make the days easier on myself and bring myself up from the funk. But I did. It was a slow process, and I've spent such a long time helping others with fertility struggles, consulting experts, researching, reading.... and now, more than three years after my miscarriage, I can truly say that I've got this. I can hand on heart handle anything (like a hysterectomy!) the universe throws at me. And you deserve to feel that way too. And it's not too hard! I've developed 7 Steps to Surviving Infertility - 7 interconnected little areas to focus on to help you survive infertility without feeling like you've had the life sucked out of you. It's totally free and you can register here at http://moderndaymissus.com/7steps I'm running the workshop on 16 October (there will be a replay available, but it won't be available for long!) and I truly feel that this is filled to the brim with practical yet powerful advice. If you are struggling with baby making and it all feels like too much sometimes, I would LOVE to help you on your journey. I've done the hard work and now I want to share it with you. I'd love you to join my workshop - 7 Steps to Surviving Infertility - this will only be offered for a limited time only, so you snooze, you lose. I promise you'll have some incredible AHA moments. Love, light and pineapples Robyn P.S. At the end you'll have the chance to be a part of my new program (woop woop! I'm seriously SO excited!), Be a Fertility Warrior. This is completely optional and for those out there who would like a little bit more support on their journey. During the workshop you'll learn my best tips and advice on how to survive infertility without the overwhelm and added stress - no strings attached