Dairy Products And Fertility

The Fertility Warriors - A podcast by Robyn Birkin

Today is all about dairy products and fertility, and more specifically how dairy products could be harming your fertility. If this were medieval times, I feel like you'd all be now looking at me going, "Boo! Hiss! Throw her a rotten tomato," because you're all probably thinking things like, "How could I ever give up dairy? I don't know how I could ever give up dairy." "I'm addicted to cheese. I love my cheese." "What am I going to put in my coffee every morning if I don't put milk?" Let me just tell you, I hear you. Not only do I hear you, I was you. Those are exactly the thoughts that ran through my mind when my naturopath first said to me that I should go on an elimination diet in order to start prepping my body for baby making. But, after months and months of stubborn rejection, I had learnt enough (and still wasn't pregnant) to know that I needed to give it a shot, and I learnt SO much that I'd like to share with you about going dairy free for your fertility. Listen on! I also mention my book, Fertility Warrior in the Kitchen, as a great resource for all things fertility and diet. Head here to check it out: https://moderndaymissus.com/product/kitchen/