Liv's Birth Story And The End Of Modern Day Missus

The Fertility Warriors - A podcast by Robyn Birkin

My latest podcast eposide is [finally] out - part of that is because it's been a crazy month getting everything set up. I've had a little bit of a lump in my throat and stalled BIG TIME about whether I was ready to do this. The anniversary of Liv's birth is coming up, and aside from mentioning it here and there, I haven't shared her birth story yet, and now, while we are getting closer, I'm feeling a little bit teary that I won't have a baby anymore, and reliving a bit of her disaster birth. But I've pushed on, and here we are with February's podcast ep, which is kind of a behind the scenes look at my last 12 months, and a glimpse into what is to come. Drumroll please....