When Infertility Shatters Your Self Confidence
The Fertility Warriors - A podcast by Robyn Birkin
I feel like we (Doctors.... society.... ourselves) grossly underestimate the emotional impact of infertility, the impact that infertility can have on our marriage, and the deep scars that infertility can leave on our self esteem. Infertility has a funny way of shattering our self confidence. It tests our strengths. It throws failure in our face over and over again. It takes our marriages to depths they're often not ready for. Years after my experience with infertility, years after I first begun healing from the emotional impact that infertility had on my life, here I am, still healing. But over the years I've learnt many ways to help work on myself to give myself grace, and to go easy on myself. But I've been working with many clients recently who are at ground zero of self confidence. They're feeling rocked. For some, infertility has been the crushing blow to their self confidence, but for others, it's been a passenger in their lives for years, so today's episode we are talking about how infertility can not only shatter our self-esteem, but it can also bring to the surface how badly we're treating ourselves and how poor some of our body image and self-love can be.