How To Get Real Value For Your Business With Simon Bedard

The Few With Boo - A podcast by Christian Boucousis


Business transactions sound sexy and often look good on paper, but the intense emotional rollercoaster behind them rarely gets headlines. Funnily enough, some business owner's first instinct is to work with the first licensed business broker they come across. But, would you only get the first doctor's opinion (you Googled) before a serious operation? One of the heavily overlooked elements is the current legislation before entrusting a broker with your business. Business decisions are hard enough, yet consider the cost of engaging the wrong broker for a transaction? What does this decision leave on the table? In this episode of The Few Podcast, we give you a blueprint to overcome these hurdles. Simon Bedard joins us to detail how business legislation works in Australia and how to avoid the pitfalls that can cost you dearly in large transactions or contracts. Simon has dedicated his career to understanding the best ways business owners can position themselves for transactional success when the time comes. Today, Simon will help de-complex a foreign topic for most entrepreneurs - listen to the full session here.