Super Slow Strength Training with Mindy Boyd from Loyalty Fitness

The Fiercely Holistic Podcast - A podcast by Ciara Shea & Kristen Mihaly

In today's fitness-focused episode, we're chatting with Mindy Boyd, an expert in super slow strength training and owner of Loyalty Fitness. From this episode, you'll learn the benefits of super slow strength training, what a workout looks like, how this style is beneficial for everyone, and how to incorporate this into your regular routine. CONTACT US:Ciara @oranutrition + www.oranutrition.comKristen @nhhnutrition + www.nhhnutrition.comFHP @thefiercelyholisticpodcast + [email protected] @loyalty_fitness + www.loyalty-fitness.comLoyalty Fitness is located in Syosset, NY and Greenwich, CT. Ciara @oranutrition + Kristen @nhhnutrition + FHP @thefiercelyholisticpodcast