Jim Norton | TFATK Ep. 965

The Fighter & The Kid - A podcast by Thiccc Boy Studios | PodcastOne

Jim Norton joins the show and the guys talk actors that hated each other, meeting Gene Simmons and Robert De Niro, Jim's fascination with old school KISS posters, Jim's take on UFC's DDP vs Strickland, his relationship with his wife and their new YouTube channel, how getting his wife into the country was a struggle, stories of Patrice O'Neal and Howard Stern, current events around the world and much more! DraftKings - Download the DraftKings app NOW and use promo code: FIGHTER SUPERCUTS - Register to win yours at https://supercutshighscore.com/ True Classic - Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassic.com/FIGHTER ! #trueclassicpod #sponsored House Of Macadamias - http://partner.houseofmacadamias.com/tfak Subscribe to your favorite bundle and get free snack bars every time with 15% off the whole order