Anna Jones Confesses to Owning a Thousand Cookbooks and Discusses Working with Jamie Oliver and her Commitment to Vegetarianism
The Filling with Anna Barnett - A podcast by OneFinePlay

EPISODE SYNOPSISIt’s the meeting of the two Annas today as Barnett meets Jones in the new episode of The Fillingpodcast. Speaking from her newly renovated Hackney home, chef, food writer and stylist Anna Jonesweaves her journey from an Economics degree to chef training and working at Jamie Oliver’s 15restaurant, to writing her first published recipes and cookbooks incorporating her commitment tovegetarianism. A prolific recipe writer (as well as cookbook and ceramics collector) Anna Jones alsotakes us to working in Europe and the intimidation of cooking pasta for Italian chefs, and living inCalifornia where she professes a love for their democratic way of eating. We also get the ultimateegg mayonnaise sandwich recipe – but does she really prefer vegenaise?EPISODE NOTES15:20 – 19:25) After obtaining an Economics degree and setting out in finance, Anna Jones realisedshe had a different life calling. Here she details what prompted the move into cooking and her firststeps to a new career.19:30 – 22:30) Anna Jones has some enlightening stories to tell from her time training and workingat Jamie’s Oliver’s 15 restaurant. Here she recounts meeting some interesting diners including PrinceCharles, Brad Pitt, and Bill Clinton.34:50 – 36:40) While working with Jamie Oliver Anna Jones was offered a book deal. Here sheexplains how this provided an opportunity to explore branching out on her own.36:50 – 39:40) At a time when the fashion for restaurants was ‘nose-to-tail’ dining, Anna Jones wasexploring how to create more inventive vegetarian food - a scary time, she admits, for a new chef.42:50 – 47:00) Sustainability, food waste, plastic reduction are all burning concerns, and here AnnaJones talks through her One Change campaign to encouraging people to make regular small changesto their shopping and cooking habits.57:00 – 59:00) Spending her formative years in California has instilled in Anna Jones a love for thefood there and a ‘democratic’ way of eating. Here she explains how plant-based menus are on parwith meat and fish dishes.TOP QUOTES“It’s taken me 40 years to realise that having way less stuff is way less stressful.” Anna Jones“If you’re the future king you can ask for whatever you want.” Anna Jones“Jamie Oliver is the busiest man I’ve ever known.” Anna Jones“Putting vegetables at the centre of your diet is the biggest thing you can do for the planet, and it’sthe most joyous decision I made.” Anna Jones“My brother was a vegan when the only thing you could get was a Nando’s bean burger.” AnnaJones“My brother says I only eat food so I can put condiments on it.” Anna Jones“Focaccia, butter, and mayonnaise – triple oil threat.” Anna THE GUESTAnna Jones is a cook, writer, the voice of modern vegetarian cooking and the author of thebestselling A Modern Way to Eat, A Modern Way to Cook, The Modern Cook’s Year, and mostrecently, One. Her books are sold in ten countries and have been translated into five languages. TheModern Cook’s Year won the coveted Observer Food Monthly Best New Cookbook Award and TheGuild of Food Writers Cookery Book Award. Her previous books have been nominated for the JamesBeard, Fortnum & Mason and André Simon awards. Anna believes that vegetables should be put atthe centre of every table, and is led by the joy of food and its ability to affect change in our dailylives. She lives in Hackney, East London, with her husband and young son.Instagram:...