505: The Future of Fitness Is In Exercise Modification

The Fitness Business Podcast - A podcast by Active Management - Tuesdays


Natalie Carey is a fitness expert who believes that exercise modification and inclusivity for all bodies is the key to financial success in the fitness industry. In this episode of the Fitness Business podcast, Natalie shares her insights on how to incorporate exercise modification into your business model. Natalie discusses the importance of exercise modification for inclusiveness and how it can benefit personal trainers and big box clubs. She provides tips on how to incorporate exercise modification into your business model, and shares her thoughts on the future of fitness. Fitness modification certainly is a trend in the industry worth talking about. This forward thinking approach helps personal trainers and fitness clubs bring in additional cash flow, as well as loyal new members. Everyone wants to feel included, and if you offer this programming, your community culture will hit an all time high. Listen along, as Natalie Carey will help you see the financial benefit in the future of fitness modification.