Ep 100 What a Way to Start a New Year

The Flourishing Introvert Talks - A podcast by Joanna Rawbone - Thursdays


Setting the tone for your new year, Flourishing Introverts summarizes some of the key points from its most popular episodes to date. Sharing how her year is shaping up, your host describes the importance of authenticity, the heart of which brings you joy, and her intentions for 2022.   Tune in and learn why the journey is always worth pursuing but flourishing is your choice.   KEY POINTS: - Flourishing is a process, not a destination - 7-steps to boundary and battery management  - The paradox of introverts and visibility  - Why change can be challenging - Setting powerful intentions   PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: Brilliant Battery Boosters: flourishingessentials.me What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking this quiz: yourintroverttype.co.uk/ Visit Joanna’s website here: flourishingintroverts.com/ Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook community of like-minded introverts here: web.facebook.com/groups/Introvertscorner/?_rdc=1&_rdr Flourishing Introverts is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)