Ep 96 It All Started When Things Began to Unravel

The Flourishing Introvert Talks - A podcast by Joanna Rawbone - Thursdays


In this season of goodwill and gifting, Joanna shares five remarkable gifts she was blessed with this week. From learning what makes her feel safe to share in a group environment to recognizing that circumstances do not dictate our experience, listen in as Joanna illustrates a few of the gifts she would like to pay forward. As sometimes, we don’t fully understand the beauty of a gift until some time after it is received nor do the givers realize the enormity of their impact.   So what gifts have you received or taken the time to appreciate in this season of giving?    KEY POINTS: - The power of an analogy - Simple ways to engender psychological safety - The importance of managing your attention  - A delightful yet unexpected share  - Joanna’s exciting new collaboration    OTHER RESOURCES: Learn more about Eric Wal and his yoga for real-life programs at ericwal.com Learn more about Dr. Julie Helmrich and her iron psych programs at juliehelmrich.com   PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking this quiz: yourintroverttype.co.uk/ Visit Joanna’s website here: flourishingintroverts.com/ Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook community of like-minded introverts here: web.facebook.com/groups/Introvertscorner/?_rdc=1&_rdr Flourishing Introverts is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)