Ep 97 Let's Hear it for the Introverted Rebels with a Cause

The Flourishing Introvert Talks - A podcast by Joanna Rawbone - Thursdays


In this episode, Flourishing Introverts talks rebels! A self-acknowledged rebel herself, Joanna defines those who don’t quite fit in but have a strong sense of belonging to a greater purpose. Rebels aren’t troublemakers, they are those who challenge the status quo to make a positive difference.    Tune in and learn why we need to encourage these rebels to flourish, both in organizations as well as within ourselves. As it’s so aptly said, “Bad rebels break the rules. Good rebels change them.”   KEY POINTS: - Troublemakers versus rebels  - Are you a rebel with a cause? - The introvert visibility challenge  - Discover your inner network - 9 points to understanding your inner rebel - Become a sassy introvert   PRODUCTS / RESOURCES: Visit rebelsatwork.com to challenge what no longer works and lead change! What Type of Introvert are you? Find out by taking this quiz: yourintroverttype.co.uk/ Visit Joanna’s website here: flourishingintroverts.com/ Join the Flourishing Introverts Facebook community of like-minded introverts here: web.facebook.com/groups/Introvertscorner/?_rdc=1&_rdr Flourishing Introverts is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)