"GOD vs. GAY": Jay Michaelson

The Forbidden Apple: LGBTQ+ SPIRITUALITY - A podcast by Melissa Weisz

We are honored to have Rabbi Dr. Jay Michaelson, a multidisciplinary author with years of experience working in the intersection of politics and spirituality. Jay is also a teacher and editor at Ten Percent Happier. Jay shows us how paganism is present in "Burning Man" and hidden in many normative religious practices. He shares his thoughts on the future of spirituality and gives us actionable tools on being mindful and present as we progress through the opening stages of the pandemic. Tune in to learn about the correlations between pride and being truthful to oneself. To learn about Jay's work: https://www.jaymichaelson.net/ https://www.tenpercent.com/  Don't forget to sink your teeth into... www.theforbiddenapplepodcast.com