Handling stress with Josh Roche
The Fresh Minds Podcast with Anna Veale - A podcast by Anna Veale

Josh joined the military at the young age of 16 and was eventually posted to Battalions Reconnaissance and Surveillance Platoon. After years serving his country, he left his military career in behind and became a Monk. He spent 3 years in India studying with various Yoga Masters learning the art of mindfulness. Since then, he has traveled the world seeking out people and experiences to further personal insight and growth. Josh is a Coach and Trainer at a national and international level and helps people to step up in their lives and activate big plans. Most recently, he has developed 'Backcountry Athletics', a wilderness and action sport training platform. This brings together his wealth of personal experience in high consequence environments with a range of high level qualifications to assist those who need a high performance body and mind for lifestyles and work in challenging and arduous situations. My conversation with Josh dives in to the power of the mind, the importance of community, the skills required to navigate life and how to use the mind to achieve greatness. There's so much juice in this episode, enjoy!