54 | Friday Roundup 09/09 - Queen Elizabeth's Death & The Difference Between Celebrity Atheism and Conversion To Christianity.

The Future Is Now Podcast - Telling the Truth in a world full of lies. - A podcast by Spencer Nakamura l Christian Entrepreneur, Speaker

Thank you so much for listening to, "54 | Friday Roundup 09/09 - Queen Elizabeth's Death & The Difference Between Celebrity Atheism and Conversion To Christianity." - Today we are discussing this weeks major events. Queen Elizabeth's Death has a toll on the Christian Influence, Britney Spears is now Atheist, Shia LaBeouf is now Catholic, and How Churches are growing like CRAZY!!Have you struggled reading the bible and understanding Gods word? This ONE subscription will help you be able to learn and grow as a Christian. Take courses on so many different topics and relevant points of contention in our world today. Sign up for Theos University!!!SIGN UP FOR THEOSU AND USE CODE "FUTURE10" FOR 10% OFF!https://www.theosu.ca/Are you a business owner trying to save on taxes, or someone wanting to save for retirement without risk of losing your money? How about a Church or Non-Profit that is scared of what might happen if Congress decides to change tax laws. I have created a financial strategy called the LASER Strategy that will help you out wherever you're at in life. Schedule a call using the link below and lets talk!https://calendly.com/spencernak-ffl/laserI hope you are blessed by this. DM me on Instagram and lets talk about your takeaways from todays episode. Follow me on Instagram!@spencernakMAKE SURE TO LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS BY FOLLOWING THIS LINK AND SCROLLING DOWNhttps://podcasts.apple.com/lu/podcast...To stay up to date with whats going on and to get EXCLUSIVE access to new information, sign up for our weekly email list! vvvhttps://www.snleadership.com/subscribeAll the best,Spencer