083. Greenhouses for Beginner Gardeners

The Garden Culture Podcast with Bailey Van Tassel - A podcast by Bailey Van Tassel - Thursdays


Bailey Van Tassel is joined by Angela Yoder, the co-founder of Yoderbilt who makes greenhouses, chicken coops, and other homestead structures. Angela talks about how her husband built her a greenhouse seeking to solve for sturdiness and also beauty. They now have a thriving business that serves just that purpose: to build beautiful and functional structures that add charm and purpose to your farm or garden. Angela shares about her journey into greenhouse growing and what she found out the hard way. She shares about finding your function for the greenhouse (overwintering or starting seeds) and digs into why insulation, heating, and airflow are important. Angela shares some fun and practical stories about her success with citrus, how they came to create new designs and all the mistakes that we need to avoid. For more information on Yoderbuilt, go to www.yoderbilt.com Angelas favorite book: Cut Flower Garden by Erin Benzakein To pre-order Bailey's book go to www.baileyvantassel.com/kitchengardeliving