#196 - 9 Signs of Male Insecurity That Turn Women Off

The Gary Gunn Show Podcast - A podcast by Gary Gunn


In this dating podcast episode for men, Gary Gunn goes through 9 signs of male insecurity that turn women of and can result in you being put in the friend zone. Here Gary outlines opposite behaviours you can employ that will instead communicate confidence and give you higher self-esteem when you are speaking to women that you’d like to date. How do I stop being insecure #1 - Being negative when talking to women is unattractive and brings down the energy of a conversation. Learn here how to gradually shift from a negative outlook to a positive one. Fear of rejection #2 - Being judgemental in conversation with girls. Discern the difference between having an opinion, being judgemental and being objective and how this is perceived by women. Fear of women #3 - Self-doubt in conversations with women, and being easily swayed to change your opinion conveys a lack of confidence. Discover better ways to communicate and deal with a conflicting opinion in conversation. Shyness around women #4 – Being shy means you don’t start conversations, meaning you meet fewer women. Getting proximity is a first step in overcoming shyness – visit Gary Gunn ‘How to approach women’ to learn more strategies. Fear of dating #5 - Lack of any form of eye contact, or looking down at the floor in conversations with women conveys insecurity and poor confidence. Learn more from Gary’s videos on toxic shame dealing with the different levels of shame and how to reduce the feeling to manageable levels. Fear of speaking to women #6 - Not being able to continue a conversation with girls is a massive sticking point with men as Gary has observed on his training courses. Here he reveals how to stock up on your conversation ammunition and use word association in conversations with women to keep a conversation flowing. Fear of rejection #7 - Never disagreeing with a woman’s opinion and nodding along to everything she says is boring. Challenging back an opinion when you genuinely disagree will take the girl off autopilot and enter into a ‘real’ conversation with you. Sign of insecurity #8 - Trying to impress women by exaggerating yourself and your achievements. Overcome fear of approaching women #9 - Closed and tense body language with women sub communicates insecurity. Discover how to convey a more masculine and confident body language. You can subscribe to our channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnEducationInDating?sub_confirmation=1 We offer a range of different ways that we can help you to increase your dating confidence. Including live training events, Skype video coaching and digital online courses. For detailed 1-1 advice on how we can help you to get better dating results then feel free to visit our Social Attraction website here: https://www.socialattraction.co.uk/ Disclaimer This video is for entertainment purposes only and any action that you take upon the information is strictly at your own risk and we will not be responsible for any losses or damages in connection with the use of this video. The selection of techniques, opinions, programs, products, services, tools, templates or manuals is not a guarantee of income or success. The individual is fully responsible for the effort and the results they receive through following any information rendered in this video. All content, materials and techniques delivered are proprietary, and cannot be used, disclosed or duplicated. This video is for information purposes only and does not form a professional relationship; please visit our website if you wish to hire us on a professional basis.