#5 - Conquering Your Dating Life With Julius Caesar’s Mental Strength

The Gary Gunn Show Podcast - A podcast by Gary Gunn


Gary Gunn is a dating-confidence coach, keynote speaker and best-selling author. You can schedule a free consultation call with Gary at the following link: https://calendly.com/garygunn/consultation/ Or visit his Social Attraction website to gain access to his free training pack worth £149; including: - 9 in-depth ways to approach women video course - Meet, attract & date women 3-day audio training - PDF handbook from his live training events https://www.socialattraction.co.uk/ Ok, welcome back to today’s episode we’ll be looking at ways that we can learn to become more attractive to women through two powerful lessons from Caesar’s life. In this podcast episode, I specifically look at two of his most powerful stories which allow us to find out why we still look up to him almost 2000 years after his death. Julius Caesar’s philosophy and the way that he put a value on himself allows us to draw lessons in 2018 as to how we can also learn to become a leader. The second story focuses on how we can burn all of our ships when it comes to goal setting and conquering success in our own lives.