Weekly Security Sprint EP 32. National Preparedness Month, Burning Man, Insider Threat Awareness, Ransomware and more!

The Gate 15 Podcast Channel - A podcast by Gate 15

In this week's Security Sprint, Dave and Andy talk about the following topics: Burning Man. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/04/us/burning-man-storms-shelter-monday/index.html   Alphabet months begins! FEMA Advisory: FEMA, Ready Campaign Launch National Preparedness Month (September 1, 2023). September marks National Preparedness Month, the annual recognition set to remind everyone in America how important it is for individuals, families and communities to prepare for disasters and emergencies that can happen at any time. Earlier this year, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell announced this year’s theme would focus on preparing older adults and their caregivers ahead of disasters.  NCSC And Federal Partners Focus on “Bystander Engagement” During National Insider Threat Awareness Month 2023. This year’s NITAM campaign focuses on bystander engagement. An engaged bystander is an individual who is aware of concerning behaviors and knows how to act on those concerns appropriately. The NITAM 2023 campaign encourages government and industry employees to recognize and report behaviors of concern to appropriate parties so early intervention can occur and at-risk employees can be connected to resources and assistance if appropriate.   Back to School Scams & Sextortion Parents reveal teen sons committed suicide after being ‘sextorted’: ‘This is terrorism’ FBI Tech Tuesday - Safe Online Surfing: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/phoenix/news/fbi-tech-tuesday-safe-online-surfing FBI PSA. https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwa/pr/fbi-and-partners-issue-national-public-safety-alert-financial-sextortion-schemes Ransomware  Subscribe to the SUN! Email [email protected] TribalNet agenda set for San Diego conference TribalNet Conference and Tradeshow, by TribalHub Canadian Centre for Cyber Security - Baseline cyber threat assessment: Cybercrime   Quick Hits and Soap boxes. White House Advisory Group: Water Sector Needs Cybersecurity National Standard. A new article looks at the report and quotes Gate 15’s Jennifer Lyn Walker. “I agree that a specialized workforce is needed,” said Jennifer Lyn Walker, director of Cyber Defense for Gate 15, and director of Infrastructure Cyber Defense for WaterISAC. “The large (better resourced) utilities are more inclined to have specialized staff, although some may not offer truly competitive wages. I believe many (if not most) of the small utilities (less resourced) aren’t even considering specialized staff, let alone the ability to afford them.” PDF report. U.S. and International Partners Release Report on Russian Cyber Actors Using “Infamous Chisel” Malware; Joint report provides technical analysis of malware targeting Android devices used by Ukrainian military. The malware analysis report provides technical details of a new kind of malware used to target Android devices in use by Ukrainian military personnel. Andy gets on the soapbox and opines on bias in analysis. Dave Weatherman Report. Disaster scams. https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/alerts/2023/08/31/cisa-warns-hurricane-related-scams