Cobra Kai Season Three and Jack & Artie’s new Roblox Game

The Geek Gossip - A podcast by The Geek Gossip Studios


On this week’s episode of the Geek Gossip, your very geeky hosts Jack and Artie kick off their 80th episode by reviewing the first episode of Cobra Kai’s new third season and their new Roblox games, Xtreme Boss Battles and Wizards VS Robots. In Tales From the Dollar Bin, Ryan L. Higgins joins us to review Mystery in Space #115, Marvel Premier #29-30 (Liberty Legion) and DC Comics presents #17 (Superman and Firestorm) and #24 (Superman and Deadman). This was our first amazing episode of 2021, and we hope all our future ones will be just as great, if not, better. Here’s the Links to the Roblox games. Xtreme Boss Battles: Wizards vs Robots: