The Geek Gossip At FCBD Part 1 (Featuring Daniel Warren Johnson, Craig Rousseau and Matt Smith)

The Geek Gossip - A podcast by The Geek Gossip Studios


Was yesterday a big day for the Geek Gossip or what? Not only did we get to have a table at Jetpack Comics’ annual Free Comic Book Day festival where we could chat with our listeners and promote the podcast, we got to interview all the awesome comic creators there in amazing conversations all recorded and compiled into this episode and the next one!! In the first half of this epic two parter, listen to us chat with legendary writers and artists such as Daniel Warren Johnson, famous for his work on solo creations like Extremity and Murderfalcon at Image as well as Wonder Woman: Dead Earth for DC and Beta Ray Bill for Marvel, we also talk with the one an only Craig Rousseau, writer and artist on his indie book the Perhapanauts, also famous for work on the DC character Impulse along with some awesome art for the Young Hellboy miniseries, and for the grand finale we talk with Matt Smith, who does the book Barbarian Lord as well as some killer art for awesome comics like Folklords and Lake of Fire. All these guys were so super nice to come onto our podcast so be sure to visit their websites linked below and check out their comics at your local comic book store! We also do a Tales From the Dollar Bin with our dad, or shall we say Tales from the NO Dollar Bin because we review all these awesome comics that came out for Free Comic Book Day as well as some other extra things from the creators we interviewed. Stay tuned for the next episode where we talk to Rich Woodall of Black Caravan, TMNT pioneer Jim Lawson along with the owner of Jetpack Comics, Ralph. That should be out tomorrow! Special thanks to all the awesome people who made this terrific episode possible! Stay cool, everyone!!