26. The Trials and Tribulations of Launching a Product-Based Business with Nikki Gonda

The Girl Interrupted Podcast - A podcast by Rachelle Saevil & Gina Buber - Wednesdays


Nikki is the Founder of My Moonbox and is your go-to girl when it comes to anything menstrual cycle related. Through years of study and research, Nikki’s mission is to empower females with a holistic approach to balancing hormones and relieving period problems naturally. She developed a range of products and a 12 week program that helps to support women on their cycles naturally and holistically, with the aim of relieving symptoms of period pain and PMS! But, building her business has been no easy feat! In this episode we deep dive into her trials and tribulations from her idea to launch. Join us for the ride!   In this episode we talk about:  How she created her Moonbox products and why she didn’t white-label them What her biggest issues have been since starting her business and how she’s overcome them How to persevere for the long haul and create a resilient mindset when trying launch a business Letting go of control, delegation and how she’s dealt with that How she’s helped narrate the feminine space to be less taboo when talking about our periods Her top tips to bring yourself back into alignment with your menstrual flow   Connect with Nikki on Instagram:  @mymoonbox My Moon Box 12 Week Program   Connect with your hosts on Instagram:  @girlinterruptedco @saevilrow - Rachelle Saevil @uptothebeatfit - Gina Buber Want our EXCLUSIVE Wednesday Weekly Words of Wisdom delivered right to your inbox? Join HERE. Interested in being on our show? Email us at: [email protected]