37. Building a Resilient Mindset with Alexis Fernandez

The Girl Interrupted Podcast - A podcast by Rachelle Saevil & Gina Buber - Wednesdays


Above all, it’s a super practical and inspirational chat that will leave you feeling like you can take on the world!   In this episode we talk about:  Taking a leap of faith and knowing when the time is right How to train your brain to think differently The truth about motivation and some tools you can use to redefine what that looks like The “not enough” mentality and comparisonitis and what we can do to combat that Daily mindset hacks to get the most out of yourself and strengthen your mind   Connect with Guest on Instagram:  @alexispredez Check out her podcast “Do You F*cking Mind? HERE Mindset Hacks Course   Connect with your hosts on Instagram:  @girlinterruptedco @saevilrow - Rachelle Saevil @uptothebeatfit - Gina Buber Want our EXCLUSIVE Wednesday Weekly Words of Wisdom delivered right to your inbox? Join HERE. Interested in being on our show? Email us at: [email protected]