85. Marissa Tries Self Compassion

THE GiRLS ROOM - A podcast by Marissa Contelmo


Welcome back to my ~glamorous~ life!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS UP !!!!!!! HAPPY WEDNESDAY X3!!!!!!! We are continuing on with this months theme of Marissa Tries. For this week Marissa (me :*) tries SELF COMPASSION, something we could all use a little more of in our lives. I start this episode by giving my hot takes of the week, I talk about why I need to work on self compassion and kindness, the way women so often take/carry blame, the constant apologizing/over apologizing I do, ways that I am trying to practice being more compassionate towards myself and more! Let's all be a little kinder and compassionate towards ourselves this today (& everyday) LOVE U BYE