40. No Shame: In Enjoying All The Food with Victoria

THE GiRLS ROOM - A podcast by Marissa Contelmo


TW: Mentions of eating disorders Welcome back to my ~glamorous~ life!! In this episode we are graced with Victoria from Vic On Veggies knowledge and wisdom for the second time! Victoria shares reiterates the importance of balanced eating, discusses the benefits of intuitive and mindful eating and how to trust yourself and your body allowing yourself to be free when it comes to food. We continue our conversation to the topic of Thanksgiving, cutting off toxic family members, what to do when being body/food shamed as a victim and a bystander at the dinner table and much more. Thank you so much Victoria <3 Please visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter at https://www.viconveggies.com/newslettersignup Visit and follow her instagram at https://www.instagram.com/vic.on.veggies/ Visit her website & logo designer Emma’s instagram at https://www.instagram.com/louise.on.letters/ Visit her website & logo designer Emma’s website at https://eseager.design/ Mentions https://www.healthline.com/ Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by Elyse Resch and Evelyn Tribole https://www.intuitiveeating.org/